One of the most important things for me is capturing the memories as my family expands. I want to have a video of my son’s first steps, first words and first time he takes some electronic device apart. I have fond memories of taking a TV and a radio apart at a young age. Tori teases me about taking a lot of pictures when we take vacations now and I think it will be the same or worse once Turner is here.
Tori has a digital SLR camera and I have a point and shoot. We have cell phones that can take video but I really want something fast and easy to use. I also want something that takes HD video. The first option is a Flip HD. It records at 720p resolution and can record about 2hrs worth of footage. The iPod Touch and iPhone 4 both do HD at 720p and the 16gb versions can record about 4hrs. Cost is big factor but I think ease of use is important.
So should we get a Flip HD or an iPod Touch / iPhone 4?