I'm trying to get back into the swing of things with this blog after being harassed by someone in Atlanta who shall remain nameless. Actually no, it's 2013, let's just drop names; Ondrea. In her defence, Ondrea does visit the blog regularly (so she says) and seems to find my ramblings about Turner interesting and perhaps entertaining. She also thinks it will be good for him to eventually read all of these himself.

Anyway, this post is about lunch. Not the most entertaining of topics but still kind of interesting. So Monday through Friday, lunch is provided by Turner's daycare. It's awesome. This kid is getting exposed to some really good meals such as Ravioletti, beef stew, pastas w/butter and broccoli and turkey hotdogs.
Oh, and don't get me started on breakfast. Sometimes when I drop him off I linger around hoping for a plate or leftovers.
Back to the topic of lunch. So I'm responsible for lunch on Saturday and Sunday. Sometimes we're out and Turner gets to have fast food (a rare treat). Not ideal but luckily we can get over to Chik-fil-a for fruit and grilled chicken. As he gets older, we'll have more options. For the days when we're just relaxing in the house, it's up to me to come up with something. The bad news is that I'm not that fancy in the kitchen. The good news is that Turner is easy to please. This is going to sound bad, but peanut butter and jelly is like crack to this kid. I add some combination of two fruits and everyone is happy.
So for those loyal readers who also double as my go-to babysitters, keep the following items in your home and you'll be set:
- Whole wheat bread (lightly toasted)
- Peter Pan Peanut Butter - Creamy style
- Polaner Fruit Spread (it's not jelly)
- Two of the following fruits:
- Kiwi
- Strawberries
- Rasberries
- Mangos
I'm hoping to step my game up soon. For other parents that are reading this blog or hell, anyone who prepares lunch for a kid, please feel free to add some suggestions in the comments.