Well, I announced it
on Facebook last month but didn't write about it here. I want to make sure I have a record of it
incase my son … I mean my new son asks.
Tori and I have always wanted a second child. I actually wanted 3 kids but Tori said no to
that. We found out Tori was pregnant, in July
shortly after attending her grandmother’s birthday party in Jackson, MS. Since then, we’ve gone back and forth about
gender. Tori really wanted a little girl
and I, being terrified of life with a daughter wanted to take the easy route
with another son.

Last month, we went
for the big 5 month ultrasound. I was
nervous. This was the ultrasound that
would clearly allow us to identify the gender of our baby. That morning, Tori was letting me have
it. She asked me, “Will you cry when you
find out it’s a girl?” and “Do you think you’ll pass out in the doctor’s
office?”. While waiting in the doctor’s
office, I started to get nervous and looked at some online tests that claim to
predict gender. Every test was telling
me it was a girl.
We walk into the doctor’s
office and they start the ultrasound and about 3 seconds into it, my son rolls
over and
spreads his legs, “BAM”. No
doubt about it, the baby was all boy and wanted to make sure we knew. Tori’s first reaction was to laugh. My first reaction was a “Yes” with an air
fist signifying victory. Two boys! How cool is that? I
instantly staring thinking of all the adventures we would have starting with
next Halloween. Three guys dressing up (FYI,
Tori doesn't do Halloween costumes) creates a world of possibility for
We called out parents
and siblings and shared the news. While
the majority of the family was looking forward to another little girl, we’re
all excited to welcome another little Moore into the world. Our son is due March 27th and
Turner is looking forward to being a big brother! Tori isn't getting a little girl this time
around but since she really wants won, maybe I can convince her to try her luck
on number 3!