Since she had already been up to visit earlier and she kind of knew everything that had to be done this time around. On top of the normal diaper changing and rocking Turner to sleep, Ondrea helped Tori bathe Turner (he didn’t cry during the bathe that Ondrea gave him) and took us out to brunch at one of our favorite restaurants. Turner, Tori and I will be flying down to Atlanta in the near future to see his Aunt Ondrea (and the rest of the Atlanta clan including my mom, Tori’s aunt, two of my sisters, some of my Atlanta coworkers and close friends).
Overall, we’ve been really lucky to have family come up and help out during the first month. Thanks to all of the friends and family that have come over and helped out. To everyone who has plans to visit in the next two months, thanks in advance. Turner can’t wait to meet you all.
Side note, that pose in the picture might look familiar.
Side note, that pose in the picture might look familiar.
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