My father had four sons - Jeremy, Sammy, Jonathon and me. Three of them play field hockey. One of them, Jonathon is on the National Field Hockey team for Canada. I know what you’re thinking and you’re right - I’m the non-athletic one. I’m glad to go to the gym and lift some weights but I don’t run. Now that we have that out of the way, I’ll continue with the story. So my brother Jeremy (oldest) invited us to come down to Maryland for a tournament that all of my brothers were playing in. Since two of Turner’s uncles live far away (Sammy’s in Orlando and Jonathon is in Canada) we figured this would be a great opportunity for more of the family to see him.
It was only a day trip but we’re planning on going to Orlando and Canada this summer so that Turner can see his uncles again and meet his other aunts and cousins.
Great pics! Sounds like it was a fun adventure! That's awesome that Turner did great in the car. He's getting so big already!