Turner is growing. He’s 15lbs and I think either 24 or 25 inches. He’s got some length on him but not much width. Thanks again to Suron to gave us a ton of clothing that her two boys outgrew. My friend Kathy has some shoes for Turner as well. We were able to give some gender neutral clothing such as white onesies to Tori’s sister who is expecting a little girl in July. All of the remaining clothing we are boxing up and putting in storage. Our plan is to reuse as much of the clothing as possible for Turner’s little brother. Now before you get excited, no Tori and I are not expecting any siblings for Turner. I’m just hoping for another boy. My friend Suron shares some hilarious stories about the adventures she has with her two sons. That was off topic, let’s get back to the story. 
We decided to drive out to Limerick, PA to the Philadelphia Premium Outlets. There are usually some great deals out there. I won't bore you with details about the store Tori and I shopped in.When it came time to pick-up items for Turner, we visited Carters, Baby Gap and Osh Kosh B’gosh. The deals were pretty good in all stores but we didn’t see too much in Baby Gap on this trip.
I really like the shirts and clothing from Carters and Osh Kosh B’gosh – especially the ‘Boy Genius’ t-shirt and ‘T-Rocks’ since it mirrors Turner’s (a.k.a. Mr. T’s ) mohawk now. The best part of the day was that being at the outlets and seeing all those new sights coupled with a long car ride really tired Turner out and he slept through the night!
Get working on a karate- wrestling- troubkemaking bro for Turner! It's been an adventure for sure.