It’s Sunday morning.
To most, just another average Sunday but at the Moore household, it’s Christmas Sunday.
I am excited about seeing my family for the Christmas holiday but wanted Turner’s first Christmas to be in his home.
The only solution I could think of was to celebrate Christmas a week early before we leave town.
We put Turner to bed Saturday night and then started to stack gifts under the tree.
Funny, as we were placing gifts under the tree Santa appeared with a few extra gifts.

Sunday morning, I set-up the video camera and turned on some Christmas Soca.
Turner walked out from his room and saw all the gifts under the tree.
Tori and I got some nice things ourselves but it was really about seeing what Turner would play with.
Thank goodness he was interested in both his toy cars and his Elmo doll.
The winning toy of the morning was a set of car keys though.
As I write this, he’s still playing with him.
Not too much more to say here, I’ll let the pictures tell the rest of the story.
Holy crap! That's gotta be the luckiest kid this side of the North Pole!