Sunday, March 6, 2011

Meet Turner’s Godparents

As previously mentioned, Turner’s baptism will be the 27th of this month.  Tori and I are excited and we think he’s excited too.  We’ve previously taken care of the details with our church.  All that was left to do is select godparents (and plan for all of the family and friends coming into town to help us celebrate).  So with this post, I’d like to both introduce and thanks Turner’s godparents in advance.
First we have Jennifer and Thaddeus (Thad) Walker, two of Tori’s close friends from her college days at Tuskegee University.   After college, they all worked together at Lockheed Martin.   Once I met them, the four of us quickly became a support system for one another.  Jennifer and Thad only live a few blocks from us and we are the godparents to their son Sheldon.  
Next, we have Adrian and Kelly Blinco; two of our close friends from the area.  They also live not too far from us (but we secretly wish we lived closer to them in the Villanova area).  You may recall that they were among the first to come over and see Turner.  We attended their wedding in New Zealand and semi-regularly go to brunch with them at Dujour in Haverford, PA.  We always have a great time when we are around Kelly and Adrian.  They have offered on several occasions to babysit while Tori and I have a 'date night'.  Kelly will have the honor of holding Turner while Father Corley performs the Catholic baptism.   Hopefully Turner won’t squirm too much.  Together, we feel that the four godparents will both guide and support Tuner as he grows in his faith.  Our hope is that if there ever is a time when we are not there, Turner can turn to them and find the support he needs.
Thank you all in advance.  We appreciate you agreeing to these roles in Turner’s life.  

1 comment:

  1. So I take it that by commenting and reading this blog religiously, I am TOTALLY invited to the baptism! WOO HOO! You better bust out the good wine for me!
