Sunday, October 31, 2010

Capturing the memories with Flip HD or a cell phone with HD recording?

One of the most important things for me is capturing the memories as my family expands.  I want to have a video of my son’s first steps, first words and first time he takes some electronic device apart.  I have fond memories of taking a TV and a radio apart at a young age.  Tori teases me about taking a lot of pictures when we take vacations now and I think it will be the same or worse once Turner is here.

Tori has a digital SLR camera and I have a point and shoot.  We have cell phones that can take video but I really want something fast and easy to use.  I also want something that takes HD video.  The first option is a Flip HD.  It records at 720p resolution and can record about 2hrs worth of footage. The iPod Touch and iPhone 4 both do HD at 720p and the 16gb versions can record about 4hrs.  Cost is big factor but I think ease of use is important. 

So should we get a Flip HD or an iPod Touch / iPhone 4?


  1. I think I told you this at work, but the flip was a big disappointment for me because of lack of zoom, and because in the end the image quality seemed to be not even as good as the film I take with my subcompact camera... but maybe Flips have improved since then. Lack of zoom was a dealbreaker for me.

  2. Thanks Kathy. I don't think anything has changed (no zoom) but I will try it out in store soon.

  3. I'd go with the FlipCam all day. It's just too easy to use and post production with it is so easy. As far as zoom is concerned, most video recording it is done up close and personal. Distance video recordings needing zoom require proper equipment for that job. No iPod, Flip, or cellphone will ever do decent job at zooming on video. IMHO.

  4. Thanks Gogo. We'll probably get a hand held HD camera when he's older for more serious events. For first steps and first words we probably won't need the zoom.

  5. Flip works well, though definitely lack of Zoom is a challenge if you're doing anything not close up (though initially, most of your camera work would be close up with a baby, right?) It's definitely easy to use.

    Long-term another thing to keep in mind is that you want to take as many pictures (at least within a magnitude) of all of your kids (if you have more than one, anyway). I know people who seem kind of "scarred" by the fact that they were 4th (or more) kid in family and their siblings have tons of pictures but nary one around for #4 (or 5 or...) :)
