Monday, August 16, 2010

The name game

We were eager to learn the sex of our baby partially for shopping reasons but mostly because of the name game.  While dating Tori mentioned that she wanted to keep her maiden name Turner 'alive' after marriage since her father didn't have any boys.  I thought that was kind of cool but wasn't really fair.  So once we were married and revisited the subject we determined that if it was a boy, she's pick the first name (Turner) and I would pick the middle name.  If it was a girl, I'd pick the first and the middle name (with some input from Tori).   I thought it was a great deal but quickly realized how hard it is to pick a girls name.  I do have an extensive list prepared for baby #2 though.

So, ladies and gentlemen, our son's name is TURNER 'Something that starts with an A' MOORE.  The poll for the middle name is still open.  Will he get 'Anthony (Tony)' or 'Alexander (Alex) from his father's name?

Here's some information to help with your decision:
Tony's full name is "Tony Alex Moore" and Tori's is "Tori Turner Moore".

The boy's name Turner \t(u)-rner, tur-ner\ is of Middle English origin, and the meaning of Turner is "wood-worker". Occupational name. "Turning" was a term for the use of a lathe, which was used in the 16th and 17th centuries for decorations on furniture. Painter J.M.W. Turner.

The boy's name Anthony \a-ntho-ny, an-thony\ is pronounced AN-tha-nee. It is of Latin origin. English form of the old Roman family name Antonius, probably of Etruscan origin. Mark Anthony (82-30 BC), Roman triumvir and general, sat on the throne and had a tempestuous political career with Queen Cleopatra of Egypt. Saint Anthony (third century) was an Egyptian hermit monk who founded the first Christian monastic order and is traditionally renowned for his resistance to the devil.

The boy's name Alexander \a-lexa-nder, alex(an)-der\ is pronounced al-ek-ZAN-der. It is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Alexander is "man's defender, warrior". From the Latin form of the Greek name Alexandros. The name was probably coined originally as a title of the goddess Hera, consort of Zeus. Alexander the Great (356-323 BC) conquered and ruled the greater part of the known world before his death at the age of 33. History describes him as a man of high physical courage, impulsive energy, and fervid imagination. It was a royal name in Scotland.

Our last name Moore \mo(o)-re\ is of Old French, Middle English, Gaelic and Celtic origin, and the meaning of Moore is "swarthy, dark-skinned; bog; noble, great".

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